Hello UP Steam Fans!
On Jan 18 we announced that with more than 76,000 votes, the Little Rock Express won Union Pacific's Great Excursion Adventure - You Route the Steam!
Today we're announcing that the Little Rock Express begins May 29 with the arrival of Union Pacific's steam locomotive No. 844 in Kansas City, Mo., and concludes June 9 in Little Rock, Ark. |  |
The route starts in Kansas City, heads east to St. Louis before turning south to Little Rock. Along the way the train will make overnight stops in KC, Jefferson City, St. Louis, Cape Girardeau, Bald Knob and North Little Rock. A detailed schedule that includes whistle stop locations will be announced April 27.
The Grand Prize Winner of the Great Excursion Adventure was Shad Pulley of West Jordan, Utah, earning him the title "Honorary Engineer" and the opportunity to ride in the steam locomotive cab! Our four runners-up and their guests also will ride on the train for a leg of the tour. They are:
- Skip Waters from Dallas
- James O'Connor from Willowbrook, Ill.
- Nick Benson from Eagan, Minn.
- Kevin Mucha from Villa Park, Ill.
Winners were determined based on the number of points they earned by gathering referrals via Facebook or Twitter.
In addition, a number of coach ride winners will be named in a drawing from those who voted for their hometowns along the winning route. Coach ride winners will be contacted via e-mail in the coming weeks.
Go to upsteam.com or follow Union Pacific on Facebook or Twitter for more information about the Little Rock Express.
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Thanks again for taking part in Union Pacific's Great Excursion Adventure - You Route the Steam!
UP Steam Team
Union Pacific Railroad
1400 Douglas Street, Omaha, NE 68179
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