Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Tales of Strangers in Strange Land

This week, Tales from the South: Dinner and a Show is Tuesday, February 28 at Starving Artist Cafe. Enjoy a fantastic dinner and be part of the live audience for Internationally-syndicated radio show "Tales from the South," where Southerners bring their own true stories to life. Dinner from 5-6:30 p.m., show begins at 7 p.m. Admission is $5, dinner is from our special Tales menu.

This week, our writers show us how, whether it's far away or in our own backyard, sometimes we're a stranger in a strange land. Stories by Lee Cowan, Jaci Manning, and Argenta's own Bob Ragsdale. Music by The Salty Dogs and blues guitarist Mark Simpson. More can be found at www.talesfromthesouth.com

Monday, February 27, 2012

Argenta Community Garden

Enrolling New Members for 2012
For more information, e-mail ArgentaGarden@Gmail.com
Or come to the Boosters meeting Thursday, March 1 at 6 pm

Friday, February 24, 2012

Open House for New Homes in Baring Cross

Join Argenta Community Development for a tour of their new energy efficient, 3bdr, 2 bath homes in NLR's Baring Cross neighborhood 2-4pm on Sunday Feb. 26th. 

Address are: 
 2012 Fort Roots
1400 Parker 
1517 Sycamore 
1609 Sycamore
The homes include many features so check them out on Sunday!

Argenta Community Development Corporation | 401 Main Street | Suite 200 | North Little Rock | AR | 72114 phone number 501-374-0622

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mardi Gras Argenta Style!

Monday February 20th from 6-9pm at Starving Artist, the Krewe of Barkus will be celebrating their 3rd annual Mardi Gras!
Tickets are $35.00 a person-includes beads, feather mask, photo, & poster. Cajun Buffet by Chef Jason Morell. Entertainment by the Bob Boyd Sounds. Cash Bar.
Purchase tickets @ argentamardigras2012.eventbrite.com

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Car Break-In's

It has been pointed out to me that a number of residents may not have access to social networking & the computer and consequently may not be aware of the recent car break-in's. Please check with your neighbors; let them know to lock their car doors. I know a lot of people don't lock their cars because of 2 reasons, 1-they don't think they have anything of value to steal & 2- they think this will keep from having their car window broken. The thefts that have occurred have either been from unlocked cars & a thief just trying the doors. Or by a professional that has gained access with a secondary device that unlocked the car & did not trigger the cars alarm systems.
The police were at the last Boosters meeting & strongly encouraged everyone to lock their car doors & call 911 immediately if you witness any suspicious activity.
I want to assure everyone that 2 descriptions have been given to the police. I personally suspect that this is someone that has recently moved into Argenta & will either get caught or move on. There has been talk of  night time patrols by neighbors, if this were to occur please don't do this alone, take a phone, a flashlight & a dog with you. The NLR police have promised to beef up patrols after dark, as well.
Please warn your neighbors & lets get this guy off our streets!! Yes, the descriptions of have been of 2 men.
In this week's issue of Arkansas Business newspaper there's an article about historic preservation and how Argenta is considered a model for communities across the state. The article talks about our progress, and includes some dramatic photographs. The print edition is on newsstands through Sunday. It's also available (minus photos) on the Arkansas Business website. Here's the link: http://www.arkansasbusiness.com/article.aspx?aID=130096.54928.142231

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Free Prostate Cance Screenings

What Ovarian cancer is to woman, prostate Cancer is to men. So many men go undiagnosed and tend not to voice concerns when symptoms occur so the state of Arkansas is providing a wonderful opportunity to every man in our state, to have a free screening. The test is called a PSA & it is only a simple blood draw. Please come & be screened, and woman tell the men in your life to come out & possibly save their lives.

Feb.21st from 7a.m. until 1p.m.
In the mobile screening unit that will be parked at the foot of the Capitol steps in Little Rock.

If you have any questions call: Lauren Taylor at 501-748-1249 or toll free at 800-338-1383

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Due to the rash of car burglaries this week end I have cancelled the animal control speaker so we can concentrate on Millage Vote & the police report.  We will invite Animal Control back at a later date. I have sent an email to NLR police to ensure that we have an officer at this meeting. Please come & voice your concerns on all issues.
The People Tree folks will be speaking, along with the Argenta CDC, at our next meeting March 1st.

New Broadway Bridge meeting

 Public involvement meeting on Broadway Bridge Tuesday Feb 7th from 4-7pm. At the Arkansas Transit Assoc. training room @ 620 West Broadway st in NLR