Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Is anyone having trouble posting comments? I received an email from a follower that has been trying to post & unable to. I have gone through the settings & made some adjustments & hope I have cleared the problem. If anyone is still having problems please let me know & I will consult a higher intelligent form to correct the problem. I really apologize if anyone has had problems & very appreciative of the person who emailed me.

my email address is:

Quick Saver Energy Kits

The kits are here & I will pick them up Thursday @ 1 p.m. Let me know when you guys can pick them up from me & sign off on them. My home phone # is 376-1127 or email @

Veteran's Memorial

.  I will be sending out information about another veterans project in Amboy in the next few days.  It very appropriate we consider and support those who have served our county over this 4th of July weekend celebrating the founding of our County.  Either or both of these two projects would be an excellent way to show your support. Thanks to Alderperson Debi Ross for bringing this to my attention

Laman Library now has a page on their website dedicated to the Memorial.

They also have a Facebook page to watch the progress:   North Little Rock Veterans Memorial

Scott Miller
Unified Neighborhood Coalition
P.O. Box 5730
North Little Rock, AR 72119
(501) 374-3546

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Foodie Fest!!

Make Your Plans Now for July 3rd Foodie Fest !
Shop at the Argenta Farmers Market and Arts & Craft Market, then enjoy great food prepared by 10 area restaurants.
Some of the participating
restaurants include Ashley's at The Capital Hotel-Chicken & Andouille Gumbo, Starving Artist Cafe-Arkansas Watermelon Salad and Arkansas Watermelon & Fisher Honey Sorbet, Trail's End BBQ-Beef Brisket, Ferneau-Pork Tacos and Lemonade and much more !  YUM!
Entertainment includes live music by Steve Bates and Ricky D and the Swing Shift, Arts & Craft vendors,
Free hand held fans for the first 500 !
  july ff3

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Kandy Jones a T.V. Star, she just might be.....

I have auditioned  online for Oprah’s next star to have their own talk show. I need y’all to vote and you can vote more than once! Follow the link and VOTE FOR ME!!! And send this to everyone you know to vote! I realize I am not Kris Allen but I am the GARAGE SALE QUEEN!

Love and kisses, Kandy

Friday, June 25, 2010

Arkansas Times writes about Argenta Market!

BIG AND BEEFY:  Sandwich at Argenta Market
BIG AND BEEFY: Sandwich at Argenta Market

  • Eat local, eat healthy, eat large
    North Little Rock's Argenta Market serves up massive sandwiches alongside Arkansas produce and lots of organic products.
  •  Be sure to pick up the latest edition on stands & read about the Market. While reading check out the letter section for a piece written by our own Argentian Eric Francis. 

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Census 2010

NLR population drops slightly in 2009

The Census Bureau has released population estimates for 2009 and North
Little Rock's count was a few hundred below the 2000 Census total.
(Please note these are not the numbers from the 2010 Census, which
won't be released until December.)

According to the estimate, last year the city's population was 60,139.
That's a loss of 294 from the 2000 Census result of 60,433. However,
if there's a silver lining it's that the city's population has
actually be trending upwards over the past decade since a low of
59,445 in 2005 -- but still, that's only 694 new residents over four

Population is important because it impacts the revenue the city
receives from county and federal sources. Plus, a growing city is a
healthy city. That's why city officials made such a big push to get a
complete count of residents for the 2010 Census. It will be very
interesting to see what those numbers show when they're released at
the end of the year.

Anyone who'd care to sort through the full population estimate report
can find it at
and click on the "Detailed Tables" link to the right.

-- Eric Francis

Free Movie tonight!

June 24-
Free Movies to take place at the North Shore Riverwalk  All movies will be shown at the Amphitheater pad near the Broadway Bridge behind Dickey-Stephens Park.  The movie this Thursday, June 24 will be Coraline.
Bring your blankets, chairs, coolers etc.  Concessions will also be available.
Admission is FREE

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Kandy Jones is a Star!

Argenta Artist & Storyteller Kandy Jones on the Radio this Week

Thursday night at 7 pm our neighbor Kandy Jones will be on local public radio telling the tale of her daddy (one of many colorful stories in Kandy's archive).

7 pm on Thursday

89.1 for locals

Or you can listen live on your computer:

This story will also be published in Tales from the South # 3, coming out next year.

Foodie Fest!

Argenta Foodie Festival 2010

Argenta Downtown Council and Argenta Certified Arkansas Farmers Market invite you to share your patriotic spirit and love of locally grown foods by attending the 4th Argenta Foodie Festival on Saturday, July 3, 2010.  The event will take place from 9:00am - 1:00pm. 

This mouth-watering festival will be held along Main Street between 6th St. and 7th St. in the Argenta Arts District in North Little Rock next to the popular Argenta Farmers Market.  The Argenta Foodie Festival will feature some of Arkansas ' favorite restaurants and catering companies as their chefs will create their own specialties utilizing only locally grown produce and meats.  Some of the participating Restaurants and their specialties include Ashley's at The Capital Hotel-Chicken & Andouille Gumbo, Starving Artist Cafe - Arkansas Watermelon Salad and  Arkansas Watermelon & Fisher Honey Sorbet ,Trails End BBQ - Beef Brisket and Ferneau – pork tacos and  lemonade. YUM !

Entertainment includes live music by Steve Bates and Ricky D and the Swing Shift, arts and crafts vendors, while you are here shop for fresh, locally grown food at the Farmers Market. Free hand held fans and shade !

Argenta Foodie Festival
Main Street, Argenta  (Between 6th and 7th St)
Saturday, July 3rd, 2010
9:00am - 1:00pm
Admission: Free
Free Parking
Contact:  Donna Hardcastle 993-1234

Monday, June 21, 2010

Class reminder

Wanted to remind everyone about the Quick Saver Energy class tomorrow 06/22/10 @ NLR Home Depot @ 11:30 a.m.. The class is for anyone wanting to know how to install these items from the Energy Saver program kit. I will be picking the kits up at the class so anyone who doesn't attend give me a call for you
kit(s). Call me @ 376-1127 to arrange pick up.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day & thank you George

I want to extend a Happy Father's Day to everyone in Argenta, to all the Father's, step-fathers, father's to be, the children of fathers & of course the father figures. Have a wonderful restful fun day, it's yours.
I want to thank George Mobbs for the beautiful flower (can't remember what it is, sorry). I got this from George @ last years Farmer Market & now want a dozen more is various shades, isn't it magnificent!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

For Rent

Wanted to put this one on the blog if anyone is interested in an office/live space or perhaps you know someone who is. The phone number is 375-2417.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Funny story

I wanted to share a funny story. Yesterday I went over & took photos of this house for sale on Maple to post on the blog. After I took the photos I went to the front door to inquire about the house particulars. The gentleman who answered was a bit stunned because the house wasn't for sale. Turns out he had  some words with his son earlier in the day & the son put the For Sale by owner sign up, unbeknownst to his father. The Father kind of chuckled & removed the sign. Well this morning the sign was back up in the yard & I had to ask myself "what is up, self?" As of my latest report the sign is back down yet again. The morale of the story is don't mess with your kid before Father's Day, he may sale your house.


Hey Guys- so sorry I have not written anything but our internet has been down, could get emails but no WWW.! Had to get the son over to fix for us because our middle age brains could not compute.  We are back up & running & will have a few post & a funny story to tell you later.
I wanted to remind everyone that tonight is Friday Night Art walk & wanted to encourage everyone to come out & take a walk down Main street tonight. Now I know it is hot but it will be shaded after 6 pm. Hope to see a bunch of my neighbors tonight!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Just an update

Haven't had much to write the past couple of day, wanted to touch base & let you know that I am still plugging away. I did fax over the application for Quick Saver Energy program & requested 25 kits. I have 20 spoken for so please let me know if you are interested. Please let me know if there is anything happening & I will be glad to put it on the blog.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Main Street happenings

Did anyone catch the new ad for Hunka Pie? Great ad & great pie, I strongly recommend it. While you're there check out what's new @ Galaxy. Whenever I am  wandering about on Main with my Brody dog we love to coast into Galaxy to check out Wayne's newest & coolest. Love Paddywhack's , have spent a bit of cash there!
But hands down Brody's fav are the pies, you have never seen a sheltie so intense, it's either the pies or he has crush on Chris the pie guy. Sorry Chris I thinks it's the pies. What is it about pie? It just sounds happy, how can anyone be sad when eating pie? I want to encourage everyone in the neighborhood to stop by & have a little slice of happiness on a plate.
(the content of this editorial was in no way influenced by or endorsed by Galaxy, Hunka Pie or my dog, thank you)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I need your help guys! Some days I have nothing to put on the blog so I am asking for your help. Any ideas, anything you want to hear about? Do you want more photos & daily news items?? I work on the week-ends so I kinda get side tracked with my daily entries.  Let me know what you want to hear about.

Energy Saver Program

I am going to request 25 kits for folks. I will fill out the application & will require your signature for each kit you take. So far I have 20 requests that leaves 5 kits unclaimed. There is a class on Tuesday June 22 @ NLR Home Depot @ 11:30 a.m..  Jill needs a head count for the class so please call her @ 975-8771 if you need instructions on how to apply the water flow devices, etc. Call Jill ASAP so you can be counted. Let me know if you need any help.

Friday, June 4, 2010

QuickSaver Energy Program

  I received a call from Jill @ the NLR Electric Dept & she told me about this program. It sounds like a good deal for the city & for Argenta residents. It is not dependent on your income only your need. I started a head count @ Boosters last night & all ready have 16 kits requested. Let me know if you are interested & I will include your order.

The City of North Little Rock is looking for community groups and organizations to help install residential energy efficiency kits in their neighborhood. Each group will have the opportunity to select the homes to receive the kits. The kits includes five compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs), one high-efficiency showerhead, six feet of pipe wrap, a kitchen aerator, bathroom aerator and energy efficiency information.

This can be an out-reach program or you could offer to members of your group that live in North Little Rock.  We are kicking this program off with a training on how to install the high-efficiency showerhead, pipe wrap & aerators June 22, 11:30am at the NLR Home Depot.  Attached is an application for the program.  Please let me know if you have any questions and if you would like to be a part of this program.

Thank you,
Jill Ponder
Energy Services Coordinator
North Little Rock Electric Department
Office:  501-975-8771
Cell:  501-553-7440
Fax:  501-975-8705

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Just a quick reminder about Boosters tonight @ 6 p.m., hope to see ya'll there. If not maybe we will see you @ the Ball Park for the movie?!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Boosters newsletter

Due to unforeseen circumstances the newsletter posted late, so please spread the word in case folks don't get their newsletter until Thursday p.m., or even worse Friday! We are still having a meeting on Thurs. June 3rd @ First Pres 6p.m.. The focus of this meeting is to start discussing the block party. Someone near & dear to me said this was the best way to keep folks from attending the meeting, asking them to volunteer. I hope not guys, I really need your input. Becky

Argenta Flotilla- sounds a bit like a mexican menu item

A good friend & neighbor made a suggestion to me, how about a Boosters Flotilla? Some Saturday, or even a Thursday if folks can get of from work, an Argenta group floats the Caddo? Personally, I think it's a great idea & from experience I know it's a blast. I  need to know who all is interested to have  head count, then I can figure out the cost. Let me know what you all think.

L.R. Movie Festival

Hey guys did you know that the Little Rock Film Festival is showing  "O Brother Where Art Thou" Thursday night around sundown  at the Ball Park. I didn't know until I read the paper today, so I called them. There is a cook out @ 7pm for, get this, $5.00! They are serving Hot Dogs & Hamburgers. BUT, you don't have to partake of the food, you can bring your own picnic dinner & a blanket & the entire evening is free! Sounds like a great time to me. Ray McKinnon (who is in it) will introduce the film. Now I know most of you will be @ Boosters until 7 pm but this sounds like it could be a good time & you can make an evening out of it, first Boosters then the movie! The folks at LR Film Festival did say they are working with the concessionaires for other refreshments, ie: popcorn I hope. See ya' Thursday.